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Can't See Duplicated Catalogue Entries

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Hi all,

I've created a product file in the Catalogue. As there are going to be several products that are nearly identical I thought I would use the 'duplicate' button in the 'actions' column at the end of the field. I did this and an 'Error' occurred and no duplicate appeared on the catalogue page. I tried it again a few times but no luck.

However, when I go the my shop there are several duplicates there. They do not appear anywhere in the back office - so now I can't delete them or edit them.

Any suggestions as to what I might do? I'm using 'Version - 1.608s' if that's any help.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Anyone got any ideas??

Tried again to duplicate an item in the catalog using the 'duplicate' function. It appears in the shop front but not in the admin section anywhere - so I can't delete it or modify it.

Every time I try to duplicate an item it says 'Error 1' or something similar and then says it's unable to create a duplicate.

Any help on this would be much appreciated.

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I have same error. Someone wrote about this problem but no one interested to solve it.

I found my way to use "duplicate" even with error. You just need to go on any item page in your backoffice and change in URL item id.
Say... your last normally created item was with 123 id so diplicated item will be 124.

Not very comfortable but... as is

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I have same error. Someone wrote about this problem but no one interested to solve it.

I found my way to use "duplicate" even with error. You just need to go on any item page in your backoffice and change in URL item id.
Say... your last normally created item was with 123 id so diplicated item will be 124.

Not very comfortable but... as is

Not ideal - but it works.

Well done for that find and thanks very much.
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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Go to your BO
2. Go to Catalogue
3. Choose any item and open it like you are going to edit. ID of this item will be in the line of item before it's name. Say... it will be item 235
4. See address line (http://yoursite.com/admin/........)
5. Find in this line number 235 and change it for number of your duplicated item (duplicated item number = last added to catalogue item+1), press enter and you'll see page of your duplicated item to edit it.

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As nimuravka says above.

I'll just add, that the problem I had was that the duplicated items I created with the 'Duplicate' button could be seen on the Prestashop web page but not in the BO.

So I'd get the product ID from the shop URL i.e.


and enter the same product123 in the BO catalog page


The reason the 'duplicate' button doesn't work is that when it creates a duplicate it doesn't duplicate the product category tick box and therefore doesn't appear anywhere.

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