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[solved] Order Status Emails: Include Custom Message +More?

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Does anyone know if there's a way (or a module out there) that would allow me to send all the info the customer needs when I'm marking an order as shipped, quickly and easily in one email? I currently use osCommerce 2.2 and love the fact that when I'm ready to mark an order as shipped, I can open the order's page, select an order status from a list (e.g. "shipped"), select a preset custom order comment from a list (e.g. estimated delivery time), and type any other info I want to include (e.g. tracking number) into a text box right there while I'm still on that page. I click "update" once and everything is taken care of.


I'm brand new to PrestaShop (my 1.5.3 store isn't live yet) and so far can't see a way to do this. It looks like I would either have to send 2-3 different messages from the order page to accomplish that (status, tracking number and/or custom message), or write out the whole works by hand and send an message without any preset stuff involved at all.


Am I totally missing something (which entirely possible), or am I right that there's no way to do it?

Edited by artofadornment (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I sort of found a way around this. By editing the email templates themselves I've added the information I need, and created new order statuses (all regarding shipping) so that when selected for an order, the right email info is included with it. It's not perfect by any means and took some setting up, but for anyone else kind of frustrated by this, that's the best way I can see to do it. :/

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To edit or create new emails, follow this:

  1. Log into your PrestaShop 1.5 admin dashboard.
  2. Using the top menu bar, hover over the Orders tab and click on the Statuses option.
  3. This leads you to the Statuses list screen. To create a new status from here, click on the green Add New button in the upper right corner.
  4. You are now on the Status creation screen. Create a new email and save.
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