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Funny Quirk with Prestashop

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Hi Guys,

Here's a funny quirk. Goto either your product description or CMS description, add ANY ONE of the words below and try saving, you will get an error. Remove the word and it saves just fine:

Union, Trigger, Cascade

Im sure there must be more words out there, but these are what i found. So if you come across an error while trying to add a product or CMS, look for these words. I spent an hours trying to figure out why Prestashop would not save some products and finally figured it out.

hahaha... that was funny. But i love this software :-)

On another note, all paypal users, make sure you set the IPN settings in your payal profile and that should solve any issues you were having with paypal.

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Hi Patric,

Nice, but if it is for a security reason, i am all for it. (what with these new cyber attacks coming from China/North Korea .... ;-))

I did have one issue that i just cant resolve in both my sites and that has to do with the email a friend. Would really .... really appreciate any inputs to resolve it. Im pretty sure im screwing up somewhere. check out the sites www.swimmingpoolguru.com and www.chicthreadz.com. In both sites all other emails work except send a friend. :-(

Cheers and Go Prestashop !!

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