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Configuring Taxes, Tax Rules


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I'm trying to configure a new store. 6.25% IL sales tax and a .75% County tax. First, I assume only residents in IL (outside of my county) will pay 6.25%, residents in my county will pay both and residents outside of IL will pay no sales tax. Correct?


The tax rules are based on state and zip but not county? How do I configure the county tax and apply it to only residents living in my county? The zips in my county are a mismash and no range will include all of them without including zips outside my county. Help! Thanks.


OR do I need to collect sales taxes at all?


If you do not have a physical presence in a state, you are not required to collect sales taxes from customers in that state.

This rule is based on a 1992 Supreme Court ruling in which the justices ruled that states cannot require mail-order businesses, and by extension, online retailers to collect sales tax unless they have a physical presence in the state.



Edited by j8h9 (see edit history)
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This is an issue with 1.5 I have been trying to resolve through the forge and am getting no response.

In 1.4 it was simple as you could add taxes in a list one by one, in 1.5 only the option for a range is included as as you have discovered this just does not work. (my online store is still 1.4 just for this reason)

I would also not put much into that article as it is 20 years old, contact your states Dept of Revenue to be sure.


Here are links to my Forge reports.




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