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Issue With Top Banner Of Site

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Hi all,


I have a designed a banner for the top part of my site.


On some computers though it appears shifted to the right and completely out of place and others it appears correctly.


Here is my url:


I have attached a screenshot showing how it appears on my pc.


How can I resolve this so it appears correctly on all computer screens?




Edited by Spainman (see edit history)
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It seems that your image is outside of the container it is supposed to be in. The image appears to use absolute positioning with a fixed offset from the left edge of the browser window. As a result, as the browser window is made wider, the image slides to the left while everything else stays where it is supposed to be.


Your global.css file line 63 shows that this image (RCHeader6.png) is a part of the background-image property of the document body. That is why this is happening.


The image needs to be inside of the <div id="header"> tags

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I think there would be two steps.


Step 1 would be to edit the global.css file and remove the img tag for RCHeader6.png


Step 2 is something a more experienced person should help you with.


I would be tempted to edit the header.tpl file, but I believe this is the wrong approach. PrestaShop updates could overwrite this file. I believe the right approach is to add the image to the contents of the PrestaShop hook called {$HOOK_TOP}




Hopefully, someone will post the best way.

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Thanks a lot vekia. That is wonderful to hear! A big part of how the site looks is thanks to you and all your advice. You´ve helped me a lot :)


On another note, regarding this post vekia, it does seem that the banner goes out of place on other peoples computers, but I dont understand why or how to fix it. Any advice?

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I think the moderator missed the essential point that the image is attached to the body background and is not inside of the container it belongs in. Therefore, if you view the site on a normal desktop computer which allows you to resize the browser window wider than the image, the image stays left-aligned while the rest of the site remains centered. Thus, the image is misplaced more and more as the browser window is made wider.

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