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Configure Shipping

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Hai all, i just recently use the new PS. My old PS is using a third party shipping module but for the new one i try to create my own carrier, which seems easy to say but somehow i can't make it work.


I am trying to create a carrier that simply multiply the cost according to the weight, if the weight range :

1g - 500g cost $3.50,

501g - 1000g cost $4.55,

1.1kg - 2kg cost $5.35

3kg-4kg cost $6.15


so it will keep on multiplying the cost with weight range 1kg cost $0.8.


I am simply can't get this working, my shipping stuck at $0.8 eventhough i only purchase 1 item (1kg), not even multiplying when i keep adding the cart.


Can anyone help me configure the shipping?. The attachment is my BO configuration.



Thank you very much.




Edited by luckysengoku (see edit history)
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First of all, it might help to choose billing option 3: according to total weight.



Furthermore, do you have products having weight in 1-99 grams? Or say like 655 gram etc?

Your scale is not continuous,

Make entries like this

.001 kg - 0.501 kg $3.50

.501 kg - 1.001 kg $4.55

1.001 kg - 2.001 kg $5.35

2.001 kg - 3.001 kg $?.?? (Not defined in example, fill in)

3.001 kg - 4.001 kg $ 6.15

Add more entries if needed


Hope this helps,


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First of all, it might help to choose billing option 3: according to total weight.



Furthermore, do you have products having weight in 1-99 grams? Or say like 655 gram etc?

Your scale is not continuous,

Make entries like this

.001 kg - 0.501 kg $3.50

.501 kg - 1.001 kg $4.55

1.001 kg - 2.001 kg $5.35

2.001 kg - 3.001 kg $?.?? (Not defined in example, fill in)

3.001 kg - 4.001 kg $ 6.15

Add more entries if needed


Hope this helps,



thank you for the reply.


1.1kg - 2kg cost $5.35

2kg-3kg cost $6.15

3kg-4kg cost $6.95


hmmm, yeah it is the manual way right. is there any automatic way?

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