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Featured Product Module Doesn't Display In Front End

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Hi all,


Just wondering if you can help me out.


I am using Prestashop and last few days I have been desperately trying to fix the issue of Featured product module not showing the products in front end. Thinking that it might be problems with the installation, so I have uninstalled it and installed a few times so far, but the issue still remains.


The Prestashop that I install on my local host displays product fine.


The folowing is the link.



Your help or possible suggestions will be much appreciated!



Newbie from downunder

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Thank you for your prompt response!


I saved a product called Pompei curtain including the image via catalog/product in the dashboard and I can see it saved there. Is there any other way to put the image on featured product?


I have uninstalled and installed the Feature product module to no avail. Front end may not be able to locate the image, which I find extremely odd when the same Front page on local host works fine through the same processes!



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Hi Marty


There is no 1-home.jpg file in /img/p/1 folder but there is a file 1-home_default.jpg, which is the image I am after. How can I get Featured product module to look for it?


By the way this is a new installation!





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