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Fo Not Showing Product Image

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Hi, I don't understand why my product image in front office cannot show, but back office and image folder uploaded success. Yesterday I was uploaded products by csv and images can display FO, but now it give me this trouble, a huge trouble.. Please tell me what to do? Thanks.


See attached screenshot below:

post-415207-0-08513800-1361188408_thumb.jpg The backoffice product image was there, but..


post-415207-0-75568200-1361188452_thumb.jpg Front office not showing image


post-415207-0-92277800-1361188641_thumb.jpg I went to check image folder, it was all there, then why it refuse to show up in FO?

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Thanks for the suggestion, the regenerate product images doesn't solved. My store not yet open, I just doing local test, I appreciated for helping but my another possible idea is to re-create a new store and upload products again. good luck to me, anything I'll report here.

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Your server has magic_quotes_gpc set to OFF ? You regenerated a new .htaccess ? .htacces has CHMOD 0750 at least ?


Your Folder /img and sub-folders and also all images contained in it have CHMOD 0750 at least ?


Server is very slow for me... Which memory_limit do you have ? Which max_input_time and max_execution_time.


It seems that some parts cannot be loaded. memrory_limit should not under 128M and max_execution_time and max_input_time not under 300 for both.

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Agree to wlongdonstudio. 8500 Pictures took large memory. It needed 7-hours of processing time to import my products. Some of product image were goes to a blank image, when I delete it and uploaded again it gives warning "undefined". Image cannot change still, front office also not shown for defined images.


Is my config setting correct?


/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);
@ini_set('memory_limit', '300000M');
$start_time = microtime(true);
/* Compatibility warning */
define('_PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_', false);/* SSL configuration */
define('_PS_SSL_PORT_', 443);

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i try this and it still don't work..


i have

i'm still getting this undefined error

this has already been done

still having the error..

how to fix this?

how to fix this problem

recently when i try to upload images in the product category it pops up saying undefined but when i press save and stay i see the images there but when i go to view the product of the front end there's suddently no image

please help


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  • 4 weeks later...



please help me it's urgent . Prestashop Version:


I've a similar problem. my prestashop don't show my images uploaded by .CSV files by FTP filezilla


I've two prestashop platform : a test platform (permission file 700) and a webstore platform ( all permission file are in 777).

but i've tried change permission but it's still no work


So, i've always uploaded my images correctly with csv files without problems.


But since 2 month, in my webstore my images don't show. i try one items, two, ten..etc...while in my test platform works


First, in the both platform my preference images are without small_default and large_default, same Advanced Parameters Posted Image Performance disable cache, same clear files in directory smarty/ cache and complile; both platform are setted as :

memory_limit now set to 128mb

max_execution_time = 30

max_input_time = 30


The image upload is white with question mark and this is the wrong link associated by Prestashop :





while when it worked the correct link was (this happened for both platform) :






If i upload manually it's works. I've tried somes solutions in this forum but it don't works


I post my .htaccess files so you can see some error if you find


# .htaccess automaticaly generated by PrestaShop e-commerce open-source solution


# http://www.prestashop.com - http://www.prestashop.com/forums



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