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1.4.7 To Any 1.5.x Upgrade Failing Database Update With "upgradedb" Error - Local Or Remote Server

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I am on I did try to get it updated to latest

Autoupgrade on two independent servers - failed

Manual upgarde onto two independent servers - failed (and I would say I do know about wha I am doing...)

Autoupgarde onto the localhost - failed

Manual upgarde onto the localhost - failed...

In all the cases I had TECHNICAL ERROR - JAVASCRIPT] Error detected for action "upgradeFiles".Starting restoration... error.

It has been solved by upgarding autoupgrade module to the latest version.


But after this issue has been solved, another one developed:

TECHNICAL ERROR - JAVASCRIPT] Error detected for action "upgradeDb".Starting restoration.

And I stack with this error on whatever server/configurationlocal or remote host.


In all the cases I only managed to get the file updated.

Whatever I do the database update part keep failing with well known error (stated above).


So I tought OK, my Prestashop has been customised a lot plus have some custom modules too.


I got the PS1.4.9.0 downloaded and installed onto my remote server. Just default configuration. Try to guess what... the same isuue appear. Regardless manual or autoupgrade proccess is impossible even from the non-moddified to any version of 1.5.x.x.


Yes an red a lot onto the forum, non of posted solution/ideas works, no PS team answers, and my error reporting on all installations I did try to update was disabled.....


We thank you Prestashop Team for not be helpfull at all, for not answering to our problems and for going back and making another 1.4.10 version instead of get the update to 1.5.x.x.working.... (or possible at last).

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