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Postage Question

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I am creating a Prestashop for a company that sells CDs. On their existing website (non Presta) they have a system where each CD costs £1 in postage, and then postage stops at £3 if you buy 3 CDs. So for instance, if you bought 4 CDs then it would still be £3 postage. The problem is if someone orders a DVD or book then postage is added on top, it only stops at £3 for CDs.


Is there any way this sort of system can be done in Prestashop ? Where only CDs will stop when they reach £3 (but are £1 each before this is reached). I know it sounds confusing, but if it can be done, then any idea how ? Even if it means an extra module.


Thanks !!

Edited by BlizzardUK (see edit history)
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