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[Solved] Add To Cart Button Missing In Homefeatured

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I noticed that the add to cart button is not showing up in the homefeatured block.(PrestaShop

It seems to only work in IE9. Other browsers don't show the add to cart button.



When I delete the lines of code for the button, it will still show the button on IE9.

Also the title and the short description are running over each other. When truncating one of them, nothing changes...


Force compile is on!


Am I missing something?



Kind regards

Edited by stimpy (see edit history)
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Can you show a screen of this?

Which code did you remove?


Anyway, the button should be hidden by css as far as i can remember (homefeatured.css). it should be anough to remove display:none from the add to cart button, and then stretch the list items height a bit (first declaration in the file)

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I noticed there is also a homefeatured.tpl file in my theme folder. So that was why even removing the code didn't work. I had to edit the one in my theme folder.

in the css file in the modules folder display is set to none. Only in IE9 it still shows the button...

The price and the link "more" is also not correct.


Any ideas?

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It seems that css is breaking for IE, that's why you can see the price. Likely, before that "display:none" there is some huge css error, and IE just skips the rest (other browsers are not so strict). Try validating your css and see which errors you have in that file

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Thanks Nemo1 for pointing me in the right direction!


The problem seems to be the 45 degree transform function for new products.

When deleting the line for IE6-7 in homefeatured.css

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', M11=0.7071067811865476, M12=-0.7071067811865475, M21=0.7071067811865475, M22=0.7071067811865476); /* IE6,IE7 */

everything is ok in IE9. Not sure how it will look on these older browsers now?!

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