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Multiple Emails For Order Confirmation

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By default Prestashop 1.5 use the login email to send order confirmation to customer (or any communication).


I would like to use a different e-mail address.


Is there anybody that have done this and help me with this matters?


If not where should I start from?



Thank you for your help. :wub:


P.S. I would have preferred Prestashop to allow any login, so I can use a specific e-mail to communicate with my customers!

Edited by PatriceVigier (see edit history)
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interesting Mods :)

  1. create a new database table to store customers email for logged in and keep customers prefered email stored in PREFIX_customer DB Table. e.g : PREFIX_customers_login_email with id, id_customer, email and type fields
  2. Override classes Customer.php so authentication will check email stored on the new created DB table but maintain the prefered email to send mails also cookie customer email from email value stored in PREFIX_customer

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