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Currency Trouble

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Does anyone know how to change the currency section to the original state i did something and now i cannot add or see my currencies.i have sth like this at the moment



Use PrestaShop's webservice to update your currency exchange rates. Please use caution, rates are provided as-is.

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Well, if you updated currency rates and something went wrong, you can simply click the big green mark "Update currency rates"


or maybe I'm missing something?

HI Nemo, yeah I think that blue box is there by default. Imooch, what happens when you update currency rates?

i tried several times but nothing changes.it remain the same.

thanks for the reply guys.

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- on May 1, 2013, I removed some lines for clarity, as far as better resumed in my post of May 1, 2013 -



from Febr. 14: "Does anyone know how to change the currency section to the original state i did something and now i cannot add or see my currencies.i have sth like this at the moment"


I have exactly the same problem. Prestashop implemented via Simplescripts. Shared hosting / Hostmonster=Bluehost. Past version - I think, Febr.. - Automatic update within the shop: Did not work for this version.


So I have probably in a version similar like the initial message of this thread.b But I guess that this problem with the curreny setting is not version-related.


How did it happen? - As far is I remember, I had just used the button "Update currency rates". This killed the prior 2 lines (USD 1.00 , EURO somethinkg like 0.7)

Multistore - automatically this problem also affected the othe shop.


I tried the link for updating currency rates manualy or by a cron job:

Working some seconds... then a blank screen, hence no error message.

This brought no change for the user interface problem.


I looked up via phpMyAdmin: The data is still there: 2 lines for currency, 4 lines for the 2 shops. (Multi-store cofiguration).


I did again manually the line for the cron job.

The DB then still showed the value from several minutes ago (quite usual / on Sunday). (There as no date/time field in those records.)


I manually changed in the DB the last 2 digits of the exchange rate. Then I did the line for the cron job.

YES! It changed the exchange rate back to its original value. (only for the 1 shop from/for which the URL had been used.)


Last test: All caching disabled... page refresh tried - no, did not settle the problem.


--- Result: ---

We probably only have a user interface problem (only for admin interface).

Edited by Laura4 (see edit history)
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- on May 1, 2013, I removed some lines for clarity, as far as better resumed in my post of May 1, 2013 -



imooch : "after updating my shop to it fixed the problem.Now i know better :not to touch the button again

gday all"




My version is and still had the same problem.


Which clicking caused the problem? As far as I remember, I tried in the admin section to click on the exchange rate amount. I wanted to set it to a shorter 3-digit-value.


.... here some lines removed / now see in my post of May 1, 2013 -


A major aspect is that in real business life we mostly do not want unstable perfect currency rates. We mostly want stable values with a maximum of 3 digits, to obtain in each currency a stable pricing as long as the currency rate fluctuation is low level. We do not want that a customer sees the next day a slightly increased price; because in sales psychology, the customer might cancel his already made decision to buy for the yesterday price.



.... here some lines removed / now see in my post of May 1, 2013 -

Edited by Laura4 (see edit history)
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Probably everything is o.k. with the currency functions. I resolved the stated problems just by properly configuring the standart configuration features. It is impressing how perfectly the currency features cover each detail, for example in case of a multi-store the option to define rates for shop groups or to define for single shops.

I will try to rectify my preceding posts in the next minutes correspondingly.


The following might settle many/most/ or all problems: When in "Localization" // "Currencies":


Admin. error risk 1: Wrong clicking:


If you want to "edit" a currency line, take care not to click on the symbol for "enable"/"disable" and not on the symbol for "delete".


Admin error risk 2: In case of multi-store configuration:


Take care to opt on top of the screen for the shop or shop group concerned.

If the basic set-up of these shops is not yet properly configured, this might also be a possible reason for issues with the currency settings. But I am not sure if there will be any such issue.


Trouble shooting


You can modify manually the current valid data base setting:

For example: When working in shared hosting - like most of us - , then in CPANEL / control panel go to phpMyAdmin, search in the data base the currency settings and set them manually.


If you have more than 1 shop (multi-store), then for each currency there will be as many lines as you have shops. The lines carry the shop IDs.


When using the command for cron jobs, these values will typically be updated properly und be applied - even when the admin user interface does not display what is expetected.


Helpful data sources for currency configuration:


ISO CODES: List: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217

EXCHANGE RATES: S13501 seen: http://coinmill.com/EUR_USD.html ====


I am not sure


if this will settle ALL usual problems of this kind. My problems were settled this way.

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