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customisable price in prestashop

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Hey guys,


I need to implement a customisable product where the customer specifies the price of the product other than prestashop fetching the value from the database. The product in this case is school fees - which is usually different for different individuals and is better known by the client other than shop owner. Looking at the code - I have a feeling its going to be a big hack unless somebody knows an easy soultion out there.

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We have a module http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/47363-module-attribute-wizard-pro-create-an-unlimited-number-of-attributes-and-display-as-radio-button-checkbox-dropdown-textbox-teaxtarea-files/ that changes the way attribute combinations are handled.


It creates a new combination on the fly, with a price and weight impact.


While this module currently does not do exactly what you need, it has most of the infrastructure to do it, and requires relatively less modifications / customization to do what you are looking for.


You can contact us through https://www.presto-changeo.com/en/contact_us for a quote to customize it for your needs.

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