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(CLOSED NOT RESOLVED) Pictures not resizing with standard theme

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I'm using the standard theme with a few minor changes and with 1.5 version I'm having issues with my product images as they do not resize automatically as they used to.


I have tried deleting and uploading again as well as regenerating thumbnails.


His a screen shot of the issue: (GDrive shared)


The main product image overflows outside its boundaries and the smaller pictures below are not properly sized either, they look too large therefore are cut.


I also get the following error when running the "regenerate thumbnails"


Warning: Wrong parameter count for clearstatcache() in {server}/public_html/prestashop/classes/ImageManager.php on line 122


EDIT: I noticed other bugs due to the update from 1.4 to 1.5 so I decided to rework the site from scratch on a fresh install of 1.5

Edited by claybourg (see edit history)
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