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Adding Donation button to your profile

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Hello Prestashoppers,

IMHO, some members offer great support and most of the time they offer their advice free of charge, it is nice that people offer their services free of charge but the people who do offer free services are robbing the receiver of a simple way in which to show their appreciation. Not everyone finds it so easy to express their gratitude and not everyone has a comparable skill they could share to offset the imbalance.

Therefore we should make a rule that helpful members allowed to get reward from their service/advice recipients by provide a Paypal Donation button in their signature where a recipient can choose to make a small donation (or a large one if they like!).

I often make small donations via Paypal. It's easy and for the price of a beer I can say thank you to someone who provides me a valuable service even though they don't know me (isn't the Internet great?).

I hope this rule will be implemented soon by Presta team therefore members can provide a faster & better response...

So if you think you are a helpful service/advice provider members,please support this idea...

Thank you in advance :)

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