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Update free shipping automatically in checkout summary (with increased product quantity)

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Just done a quick test and I have enabled free shipping for UK orders over £49. That all works fine and customers can select "Free Shipping" in step 4 of the checkout.


But is there a way for free shipping to update automatically when the customer increases the quantity of a product (which will increase the price over £49)? That feature only seems to work after they have been to step 4, selected free shipping, continued to payment page (but not yet gone through with payment) and then gone back to the cart summary.


All of the price ranges for free shipping are set correctly.


Or even better, is there are way for the customer to select the carrier on the summary page without having to go to step 4? (By the way, the one-step checkout doesn't work for my site so can't use that. Brings more problems!)


Thanks :)


PS Version 1.5.3



Edited by Sarak (see edit history)
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