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Moving to Prestashop form other platform - XML problem!


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Hello everyone!



Today im using another platform, which I will have to abandom in the near future for many reasons. I've tried Prestashop, Magento, osCommerce and Woocommerce and I think prestashop is the way to go, but i have an issue.


Today, the sitemap is built with the following structure:




witht he subfolders below the root folder.


In prestashop, it builds the XML like this:





The first problem is the ID, which is used as a key in prestashops system (this is not very pleasant... why has prestashop has to present the ID in the url - if you set the friendly url as uniqe the link would have been clean?)

I know there is a payment module which makes it possible to remove the ID form the system, but I do not know if that module includes changing the XML (will have to look into that).


I've also added a couple of lines to the -htaccess, which rewrites the urls - but not the way I want it (and it still doesn't affect the XML).


The main problem I have, which is why I started this topic, is that I'm wondering if there is some possible way to change the category structure, to the one I have today? I've spent the last three years in my current platform, making it 100% seo friendly and I've spent so much money on Google Adwords, that I'm always in the top if you search for my products. I can't move if I can't get the structure exactly as it is today, since I will loose all google rank from changing the structure?


Crossing my fingers for a solution, even if it only can be done by external modules!



Best Regards

Richard Nilsson

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You must change the URL structure to alter the sitemap


if you look in prestashop admin (preferences /SEO and URLs) you can alter the url structure. unfortunately the product id is mandatory.


depending on how many products you have you could do some manual 301 redirects in the htaccess file.


the issue of your old system being in a subfolder (like my nasty magento install) can be easily sorted with a 301 redirect in your htaccess.


Rewrite On
Rewritebase /
RewriteRule ^/Varumarken/(.*)$ http://www.domainname.se/$1 [R=301,L]


Now i am a bit rusty, but the code above should remove the subfolder. YOu can then redirect all the single pages after this rule or try and do them in one go.

Edited by shoulders (see edit history)
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