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Layered Navigation Filter Not Visible

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From what I've read a lot of people are having problems with this module. I'm pretty new to this stuff so I may be making a stupid mistake.


I'm really hitting a wall with this, for some reason the module will not actually show up on the page. It is correctly hooked in the left hand column and I can see it is there when I run LiveEdit.


I was unable to find an answer after looking through the different forums. Anybody have an idea of what I might be missing here?

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HI and welcome to the forum.


You need to know that layered navigation module that comes with Prestashop by default is only visible on category pages,

if you configured it right and if your theme works with this module.

Check http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Making+The+Native+Modules+Work#MakingTheNativeModulesWork-Layerednavigationblock for more info.


If that does not help, you should add some more info to your post. Like what version of Prestashop are you using and

do you have custom theme. Also some screenshot of module configuration page could help or link to your website.

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Thanks razaro!

Prestashop version:

Current theme in use: default

I now see that it does in fact show in the category pages so the functionality is there. I'm wondering if there is any way to put it on the front page. I want to use drop-down boxes for catalog filter navigation. For example having one drop down box for printer brand, and then the next be the printer families within that brand, and the third box being exact printers within that family. Just trying to make this module work the way I want before I go dropping a hundred on a module with way more utilities and flash than what I need.

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