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Expanded cart issue

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I have my ajax cart in my header, and would like it to remain collapsed at all times, and only expanded when a user hovers over it. Everything works except on page load at which time the cart remains expanded until hovered over. Can anyone help me to keep the cart collapsed on page load?


Using Prestashop 1.5.3 and my ajaxcart.js file I have pasted below, as i'm certain this is where the problem lies.



* 2007-2012 PrestaShop




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* @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>

* @copyright 2007-2012 PrestaShop SA

* @version Release: $Revision: 7009 $

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* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA



// Retrocompatibility with 1.4

if (typeof baseUri === "undefined" && typeof baseDir !== "undefined")

baseUri = baseDir;


//JS Object : update the cart by ajax actions

var ajaxCart = {

nb_total_products: 0,


//override every button in the page in relation to the cart

overrideButtonsInThePage : function(){

//for every 'add' buttons...


var idProduct = $(this).attr('rel').replace('ajax_id_product_', '');

if ($(this).attr('disabled') != 'disabled')

ajaxCart.add(idProduct, null, false, this);

return false;


//for product page 'add' button...

$('body#product p#add_to_cart input').unbind('click').click(function(){

ajaxCart.add( $('#product_page_product_id').val(), $('#idCombination').val(), true, null, $('#quantity_wanted').val(), null);

return false;



//for 'delete' buttons in the cart block...

$('#cart_block_list .ajax_cart_block_remove_link').unbind('click').click(function(){

// Customized product management

var customizationId = 0;

var productId = 0;

var productAttributeId = 0;

if ($($(this).parent().parent()).attr('name') == 'customization')

// Reverse two levels: a >> div >> li

var customizableProductDiv = $($(this).parent().parent()).find("div[id^=deleteCustomizableProduct_]");


var customizableProductDiv = $($(this).parent()).find("div[id^=deleteCustomizableProduct_]");

if (customizableProductDiv && $(customizableProductDiv).length)



var ids = $(this).attr('id').split('_');

if (typeof(ids[1]) != 'undefined')


customizationId = parseInt(ids[1]);

productId = parseInt(ids[2]);

if (typeof(ids[3]) != 'undefined')

productAttributeId = parseInt(ids[3]);

return false;





// Common product management

if (!customizationId)


//retrieve idProduct and idCombination from the displayed product in the block cart

var firstCut = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id').replace('cart_block_product_', '');

firstCut = firstCut.replace('deleteCustomizableProduct_', '');

ids = firstCut.split('_');

productId = parseInt(ids[0]);

if (typeof(ids[1]) != 'undefined')

productAttributeId = parseInt(ids[1]);



var idAddressDelivery = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id').match(/.*_\d+_\d+_(\d+)/)[1];


// Removing product from the cart

ajaxCart.remove(productId, productAttributeId, customizationId, idAddressDelivery);

return false;




// try to expand the cart

expand : function(){

if ($('#cart_block #cart_block_list').hasClass('collapsed'))


$('#header #cart_block #cart_block_summary').slideUp(200, function(){


$('#header #cart_block #cart_block_list').slideDown({

duration: 450,

complete: function(){$(this).addClass('expanded').removeClass('collapsed');}



// toogle the button expand/collapse button

$('#cart_block h4 span#block_cart_expand').fadeOut('slow', function(){

$('#cart_block h4 span#block_cart_collapse').fadeIn('fast');



// save the expand statut in the user cookie


type: 'GET',

url: baseDir + 'modules/blockcart/blockcart-set-collapse.php',

async: true,

data: 'ajax_blockcart_display=expand' + '&rand=' + new Date().getTime()






// Fix display when using back and previous browsers buttons

refresh : function(){


type: 'GET',

url: baseUri,

async: true,

cache: false,

dataType : "json",

data: 'controller=cart&ajax=true&token=' + static_token,

success: function(jsonData)







// try to collapse the cart

collapse : function(){


if ($('#cart_block #cart_block_list').hasClass('expanded'))


$('#header #cart_block #cart_block_list').slideUp('slow', function(){


$('#header #cart_block #cart_block_summary').slideDown(450, function(){




$('#cart_block h4 span#block_cart_collapse').fadeOut('slow', function(){

$('#cart_block h4 span#block_cart_expand').fadeIn('fast');



// save the expand statut in the user cookie


type: 'GET',

url: baseDir + 'modules/blockcart/blockcart-set-collapse.php',

async: true,

data: 'ajax_blockcart_display=collapse' + '&rand=' + new Date().getTime()





// Update the cart information

updateCartInformation : function (jsonData, addedFromProductPage)




//reactive the button when adding has finished

if (addedFromProductPage)

$('body#product p#add_to_cart input').removeAttr('disabled').addClass('exclusive').removeClass('exclusive_disabled');





// add a product in the cart via ajax

add : function(idProduct, idCombination, addedFromProductPage, callerElement, quantity, whishlist){

if (addedFromProductPage && !checkCustomizations())



return ;



//disabled the button when adding to do not double add if user double click

if (addedFromProductPage)


$('body#product p#add_to_cart input').attr('disabled', true).removeClass('exclusive').addClass('exclusive_disabled');




$(callerElement).attr('disabled', true);


if ($('#cart_block #cart_block_list').hasClass('collapsed'))


//send the ajax request to the server


type: 'POST',

url: baseUri,

async: true,

cache: false,

dataType : "json",

data: 'controller=cart&add=1&ajax=true&qty=' + ((quantity && quantity != null) ? quantity : '1') + '&id_product=' + idProduct + '&token=' + static_token + ( (parseInt(idCombination) && idCombination != null) ? '&ipa=' + parseInt(idCombination): ''),

success: function(jsonData,textStatus,jqXHR)


// add appliance to whishlist module

if (whishlist && !jsonData.errors)

WishlistAddProductCart(whishlist[0], idProduct, idCombination, whishlist[1]);


// add the picture to the cart

var $element = $(callerElement).parent().parent().find('a.product_image img,a.product_img_link img');

if (!$element.length)

$element = $('#bigpic');

var $picture = $element.clone();

var pictureOffsetOriginal = $element.offset();


if ($picture.size())

$picture.css({'position': 'absolute', 'top': pictureOffsetOriginal.top, 'left': pictureOffsetOriginal.left});


var pictureOffset = $picture.offset();

if ($('#cart_block').offset().top && $('#cart_block').offset().left)

var cartBlockOffset = $('#cart_block').offset();


var cartBlockOffset = $('#shopping_cart').offset();


// Check if the block cart is activated for the animation

if (cartBlockOffset != undefined && $picture.size())



$picture.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': $picture.css('top'), 'left': $picture.css('left'), 'z-index': 4242 })

.animate({ 'width': $element.attr('width')*0.66, 'height': $element.attr('height')*0.66, 'opacity': 0.2, 'top': cartBlockOffset.top + 30, 'left': cartBlockOffset.left + 15 }, 1000)

.fadeOut(100, function() {

ajaxCart.updateCartInformation(jsonData, addedFromProductPage);




ajaxCart.updateCartInformation(jsonData, addedFromProductPage);


error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)


alert("Impossible to add the product to the cart.\n\ntextStatus: '" + textStatus + "'\nerrorThrown: '" + errorThrown + "'\nresponseText:\n" + XMLHttpRequest.responseText);

//reactive the button when adding has finished

if (addedFromProductPage)

$('body#product p#add_to_cart input').removeAttr('disabled').addClass('exclusive').removeClass('exclusive_disabled');







//remove a product from the cart via ajax

remove : function(idProduct, idCombination, customizationId, idAddressDelivery){

//send the ajax request to the server


type: 'POST',

url: baseUri,

async: true,

cache: false,

dataType : "json",

data: 'controller=cart&delete=1&id_product=' + idProduct + '&ipa=' + ((idCombination != null && parseInt(idCombination)) ? idCombination : '') + ((customizationId && customizationId != null) ? '&id_customization=' + customizationId : '') + '&id_address_delivery=' + idAddressDelivery + '&token=' + static_token + '&ajax=true',

success: function(jsonData) {


if ($('body').attr('id') == 'order' || $('body').attr('id') == 'order-opc')



error: function() {alert('ERROR: unable to delete the product');}




//hide the products displayed in the page but no more in the json data

hideOldProducts : function(jsonData) {

//delete an eventually removed product of the displayed cart (only if cart is not empty!)

if ($('#cart_block #cart_block_list dl.products').length > 0)


var removedProductId = null;

var removedProductData = null;

var removedProductDomId = null;

//look for a product to delete...

$('#cart_block_list dl.products dt').each(function(){

//retrieve idProduct and idCombination from the displayed product in the block cart

var domIdProduct = $(this).attr('id');

var firstCut = domIdProduct.replace('cart_block_product_', '');

var ids = firstCut.split('_');


//try to know if the current product is still in the new list

var stayInTheCart = false;

for (aProduct in jsonData.products)


//we've called the variable aProduct because IE6 bug if this variable is called product

//if product has attributes

if (jsonData.products[aProduct]['id'] == ids[0] && (!ids[1] || jsonData.products[aProduct]['idCombination'] == ids[1]))


stayInTheCart = true;

// update the product customization display (when the product is still in the cart)

ajaxCart.hideOldProductCustomizations(jsonData.products[aProduct], domIdProduct);



//remove product if it's no more in the cart

if (!stayInTheCart)


removedProductId = $(this).attr('id');

if (removedProductId != null)


var firstCut = removedProductId.replace('cart_block_product_', '');

var ids = firstCut.split('_');


$('#'+removedProductId).addClass('strike').fadeTo('slow', 0, function(){

$(this).slideUp('slow', function(){


// If the cart is now empty, show the 'no product in the cart' message and close detail

if($('#cart_block dl.products dt').length == 0)


$("#header #cart_block").stop(true, true).slideUp(200);


$('div#cart_block dl.products').remove();




$('dd#cart_block_combination_of_' + ids[0] + (ids[1] ? '_'+ids[1] : '') + (ids[2] ? '_'+ids[2] : '')).fadeTo('fast', 0, function(){

$(this).slideUp('fast', function(){










hideOldProductCustomizations : function (product, domIdProduct)


var customizationList = $('#cart_block #cart_block_list ul#customization_' + product['id'] + '_' + product['idCombination']);

if(customizationList.length > 0)



$(this).find("div").each(function() {

var customizationDiv = $(this).attr('id');

var tmp = customizationDiv.replace('deleteCustomizableProduct_', '');

var ids = tmp.split('_');

if ((parseInt(product.idCombination) == parseInt(ids[2])) && !ajaxCart.doesCustomizationStillExist(product, ids[0]))

$('#' + customizationDiv).parent().addClass('strike').fadeTo('slow', 0, function(){







var removeLinks = $('#cart_block_product_' + domIdProduct).find('a.ajax_cart_block_remove_link');

if (!product.hasCustomizedDatas && !removeLinks.length)

$('#' + domIdProduct + ' span.remove_link').html('<a class="ajax_cart_block_remove_link" rel="nofollow" href="' + baseUri + '?controller=cart&delete&id_product=' + product['id'] + '&ipa=' + product['idCombination'] + '&token=' + static_token + '"> </a>');

if (parseFloat(product.price_float) <= 0)

$('#' + domIdProduct + ' span.remove_link').html('');



doesCustomizationStillExist : function (product, customizationId)


var exists = false;


$(product.customizedDatas).each(function() {

if (this.customizationId == customizationId)


exists = true;

// This return does not mean that we found nothing but simply break the loop

return false;



return (exists);



//refresh display of vouchers (needed for vouchers in % of the total)

refreshVouchers : function (jsonData) {

if (typeof(jsonData.discounts) == 'undefined' || jsonData.discounts.length == 0)




$('#vouchers tbody').html('');


for (i=0;i<jsonData.discounts.length;i++)


if (parseFloat(jsonData.discounts.price_float) > 0)


var delete_link = '';

if (jsonData.discounts.code.length)

delete_link = '<a class="delete_voucher" href="'+jsonData.discounts.link+'" title="'+delete_txt+'"><img src="'+img_dir+'icon/delete.gif" alt="'+delete_txt+'" class="icon" /></a>';

$('#vouchers tbody').append($(

'<tr class="bloc_cart_voucher" id="bloc_cart_voucher_'+jsonData.discounts.id+'">'

+' <td class="quantity">1x</td>'

+' <td class="name" title="'+jsonData.discounts.description+'">'+jsonData.discounts.name+'</td>'

+' <td class="price">-'+jsonData.discounts.price+'</td>'

+' <td class="delete">' + delete_link + '</td>'











// Update product quantity

updateProductQuantity : function (product, quantity) {


$('dt#cart_block_product_' + product.id + '_' + (product.idCombination ? product.idCombination : '0')+ '_' + (product.idAddressDelivery ? product.idAddressDelivery : '0') + ' .quantity').fadeTo('fast', 0, function() {


$(this).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){

$(this).fadeTo('fast', 0, function(){

$(this).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){

$(this).fadeTo('fast', 0, function(){

$(this).fadeTo('fast', 1);









//display the products witch are in json data but not already displayed

displayNewProducts : function(jsonData) {


//add every new products or update displaying of every updated products


//fix ie6 bug (one more item 'undefined' in IE6)

if (this.id != undefined)


//create a container for listing the products and hide the 'no product in the cart' message (only if the cart was empty)

if ($('div#cart_block dl.products').length == 0)


$('p#cart_block_no_products').before('<dl class="products"></dl>');



//if product is not in the displayed cart, add a new product's line

var domIdProduct = this.id + '_' + (this.idCombination ? this.idCombination : '0') + '_' + (this.idAddressDelivery ? this.idAddressDelivery : '0');


var domIdProductAttribute = this.id + '_' + (this.idCombination ? this.idCombination : '0');

if ($('#cart_block dt#cart_block_product_'+ domIdProduct ).length == 0)


var productId = parseInt(this.id);

var productAttributeId = (this.hasAttributes ? parseInt(this.attributes) : 0);

var content = '<dt class="hidden" id="cart_block_product_' + domIdProduct + '">';

content += '<span class="quantity-formated"><span class="quantity">' + this.quantity + '</span>x</span>';

var name = (this.name.length > 12 ? this.name.substring(0, 10) + '...' : this.name);

content += '<a href="' + this.link + '" title="' + this.name + '">' + name + '</a>';


if (parseFloat(this.price_float) > 0)

content += '<span class="remove_link"><a rel="nofollow" class="ajax_cart_block_remove_link" href="' + baseUri + '?controller=cart&delete&id_product=' + productId + '&token=' + static_token + (this.hasAttributes ? '&ipa=' + parseInt(this.idCombination) : '') + '"> </a></span>';


content += '<span class="remove_link"></span>';


content += '<span class="price">' + (parseFloat(this.price_float) > 0 ? this.priceByLine : freeProductTranslation) + '</span>';

content += '</dt>';

if (this.hasAttributes)

content += '<dd id="cart_block_combination_of_' + domIdProduct + '" class="hidden"><a href="' + this.link + '" title="' + this.name + '">' + this.attributes + '</a>';

if (this.hasCustomizedDatas)

content += ajaxCart.displayNewCustomizedDatas(this);

if (this.hasAttributes) content += '</dd>';


$('#cart_block dl.products').append(content);


//else update the product's line



var jsonProduct = this;

if($('dt#cart_block_product_' + domIdProduct + ' .quantity').text() != jsonProduct.quantity || $('dt#cart_block_product_' + domIdProduct + ' .price').text() != jsonProduct.priceByLine)


// Usual product

if (parseFloat(this.price_float) > 0)

$('dt#cart_block_product_' + domIdProduct + ' .price').text(jsonProduct.priceByLine);


$('dt#cart_block_product_' + domIdProduct + ' .price').html(freeProductTranslation);

ajaxCart.updateProductQuantity(jsonProduct, jsonProduct.quantity);


// Customized product

if (jsonProduct.hasCustomizedDatas)


customizationFormatedDatas = ajaxCart.displayNewCustomizedDatas(jsonProduct);

if (!$('#cart_block ul#customization_' + domIdProductAttribute).length)


if (jsonProduct.hasAttributes)

$('#cart_block dd#cart_block_combination_of_' + domIdProduct).append(customizationFormatedDatas);


$('#cart_block dl.products').append(customizationFormatedDatas);




$('#cart_block ul#customization_' + domIdProductAttribute).html('');

$('#cart_block ul#customization_' + domIdProductAttribute).append(customizationFormatedDatas);





$('#cart_block dl.products .hidden').slideDown(450).removeClass('hidden');


var removeLinks = $('#cart_block_product_' + domIdProduct).find('a.ajax_cart_block_remove_link');

if (this.hasCustomizedDatas && removeLinks.length)

$(removeLinks).each(function() {







displayNewCustomizedDatas : function(product)


var content = '';

var productId = parseInt(product.id);

var productAttributeId = typeof(product.idCombination) == 'undefined' ? 0 : parseInt(product.idCombination);

var hasAlreadyCustomizations = $('#cart_block ul#customization_' + productId + '_' + productAttributeId).length;


if (!hasAlreadyCustomizations)


if (!product.hasAttributes)

content += '<dd id="cart_block_combination_of_' + productId + '" class="hidden">';

if ($('#customization_' + productId + '_' + productAttributeId).val() == undefined)

content += '<ul class="cart_block_customizations" id="customization_' + productId + '_' + productAttributeId + '">';




var done = 0;

customizationId = parseInt(this.customizationId);

productAttributeId = typeof(product.idCombination) == 'undefined' ? 0 : parseInt(product.idCombination);

content += '<li name="customization"><div class="deleteCustomizableProduct" id="deleteCustomizableProduct_' + customizationId + '_' + productId + '_' + (productAttributeId ? productAttributeId : '0') + '"><a rel="nofollow" class="ajax_cart_block_remove_link" href="' + baseUri + '?controller=cart&delete&id_product=' + productId + '&ipa=' + productAttributeId + '&id_customization=' + customizationId + '&token=' + static_token + '"> </a></div><span class="quantity-formated"><span class="quantity">' + parseInt(this.quantity) + '</span>x</span>';


// Give to the customized product the first textfield value as name


if (this['type'] == CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD)



if (this['index'] == 0)


content += ' ' + this.truncatedValue.replace(/<br \/>/g, ' ');

done = 1;

return false;






// If the customized product did not have any textfield, it will have the customizationId as name

if (!done)

content += customizationIdMessage + customizationId;

if (!hasAlreadyCustomizations) content += '</li>';

// Field cleaning

if (customizationId)


$('#uploadable_files li div.customizationUploadBrowse img').remove();

$('#text_fields li input').attr('value', '');




if (!hasAlreadyCustomizations)


content += '</ul>';

if (!product.hasAttributes) content += '</dd>';


return (content);




//genarally update the display of the cart

updateCart : function(jsonData) {

//user errors display

if (jsonData.hasError)


var errors = '';

for(error in jsonData.errors)

//IE6 bug fix

if(error != 'indexOf')

errors += jsonData.errors[error] + "\n";










//update 'first' and 'last' item classes

$('#cart_block dl.products dt').removeClass('first_item').removeClass('last_item').removeClass('item');

$('#cart_block dl.products dt:first').addClass('first_item');

$('#cart_block dl.products dt:not(:first,:last)').addClass('item');

$('#cart_block dl.products dt:last').addClass('last_item');


//reset the onlick events in relation to the cart block (it allow to bind the onclick event to the new 'delete' buttons added)





//update general cart informations everywhere in the page

updateCartEverywhere : function(jsonData) {




if (parseFloat(jsonData.shippingCostFloat) > 0 || jsonData.nbTotalProducts < 1)








this.nb_total_products = jsonData.nbTotalProducts;


if (parseInt(jsonData.nbTotalProducts) > 0)







if (parseInt(jsonData.nbTotalProducts) > 1)


$('.ajax_cart_product_txt').each( function () {




$('.ajax_cart_product_txt_s').each( function () {






$('.ajax_cart_product_txt').each( function () {




$('.ajax_cart_product_txt_s').each( function () {







$('.ajax_cart_quantity, .ajax_cart_product_txt_s, .ajax_cart_product_txt, .ajax_cart_total').each(function(){








function HoverWatcher(selector){

this.hovering = false;

var self = this;


this.isHoveringOver = function() {

return self.hovering;



$(selector).hover(function() {

self.hovering = true;

}, function() {

self.hovering = false;




//when document is loaded...


// expand/collapse management










/* roll over cart */

var cart_block = new HoverWatcher('#cart_block');

var shopping_cart = new HoverWatcher('#shopping_cart');


$("#shopping_cart a:first").hover(

function() {

$(this).css('border-radius', '3px 3px 0px 0px');

if (ajaxCart.nb_total_products > 0)

$("#header #cart_block").stop(true, true).slideDown(450);


function() {

$('#shopping_cart a').css('border-radius', '3px');

setTimeout(function() {

if (!shopping_cart.isHoveringOver() && !cart_block.isHoveringOver())

$("#header #cart_block").stop(true, true).slideUp(450);

}, 200);





function() {

$('#shopping_cart a').css('border-radius', '3px 3px 0px 0px');


function() {

$('#shopping_cart a').css('border-radius', '3px');

setTimeout(function() {

if (!shopping_cart.isHoveringOver())

$("#header #cart_block").stop(true, true).slideUp(450);

}, 200);




$('.delete_voucher').live('click', function() {



if ($('body').attr('id') == 'order' || $('body').attr('id') == 'order-opc')


if (typeof(updateAddressSelection) != 'undefined')





return false;



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