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Probably BUG - customer group tax excluded

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I am working in PS and found strange issue.


I created a customer group with tax excluded, to allow certain clients to buy without tax.

When I assign as member of this group, all prices are displayed without tax.

However when I added the product to cart and go to order process, I have still Total tax in shopping cart summary and also in Invoice, so the client have the price with tax to pay.


So what is wrong ???


I had my shop in PS and everything worked OK, here?


And idea what is wrong or is it a BUG?

Edited by cerkoxxl (see edit history)
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I have exactly the same issue. Also PS


On the other hand, maybe it is intended to work like this? After all, it says "Price DISPLAY method" and it says "How prices are DISPLAYED in the order summary for this customer group".


So maybe it is intended to show prices tax excluded, but still the tax is calculated. I don't know?


Anyhow, I am searching for a method to be able to have a certain customer group of customers who are tax exempt, so I first thought this would be the way to go, but indeed this doesn't do what I want.

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I agree with Idetant - Its a price display option to show your products with the prices including or not including tax. At least that is how it IS working. At the same time I ALSO would like a group that is tax exempt, and there are others too. Prestashop should include this as an option in the creation of a new group.


I'm looking to do this without buying yet ANOTHER module. (I'm personally tired of buying pricey modules that don't have all their coding figured out and cause more issues then they resolve.)

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