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CSV product import - categories

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when importing products from CSV, I can't manage to import products into proper categories.


I'm trying to use all possible ways to write the category in CSV file:


0, 1
Home, Laptops


According to the example csv file, correct would be to use "Home, Laptops", but it's not working either.


All these insert products only to the default category - Home.


Can you tell me what is the correct way to do this? Or could that be some problem with categories?

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Same here! And I have been at it for two days ... ! The products do load, but keep gettings assigned to the "Home" category.


Here's a line from my CSV file :


""|"1"|"-NLA- FIESTA HARDWARE-C"|"CAREFREE AWNINGS & CUSTOM FIT ARMS"|"0.0"|"1"|"0.0"|"0"|""|""|""|""|"00-1000"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"-=NLA=- FIESTA HARDWARE-C AMEO w/BLACK CASTINGS #96 1201 "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"1"|""|"1"|""|"0"|""|"0"


I'm deleting all the products currently in the shop and using the auto incremented index, with the Reference No. field as the key.

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As we spoke on the phone, I have the same issue as these guys. When importing csv products file, all the products are mapped to Home category even if I use in csv category id or category name. Also when importing, no image is copied from the url I've specified. I've checked and that URL is pointing to the right image file, and the image doesn't contain special characters it's called ue32d5000.jpg .


I have these issues with prestashop version


Can you please give us a ETA for fixing this issues?


Thank you

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I had the same issue this week. The issue is actually caused by an error with the image import regardless of whether you are importing images or not. I had the categories error both while trying to import images and without the images import.


On issue is if Production Mode is on ("_PS_MOD_DEV_" in [config/defines.inc.php]) then errors do not show up. Once turned on:


In your development environment update line 28 in the file [config/defines.inc.php] to read:

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

rather than:

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);


Then you can see errors while importing.


After that update the file [controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php] with the following fix and then both categories and images can be imported properly:



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hey, i have this bug too,i pass day and day and i finish by found a solution :

Go on prestashop git depot , go on dev branch and replace the adminimportcontroller.php file ( in controller/admin) by the git ones,

problem will be solved ( for me) !!!

ps (edited : soory i haven't read the last post before post this one

Edited by 7killer (see edit history)
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