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csv upload limits

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Hi there,

Finally getting my head round all the little niggly things presta import doesnt like in the csv.

I'm now at the stage where I have 2000 categories and have 3000 products ready to upload, (which have all worked using smaller files to import)
The next test is to upload all 3000 products in one go, this should work right??? I only have product name, product category, price, ref, etc, product images etc in csv. (only using minimal basic info for each product, compared to many other sites complex sites using presta .



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Hi Paul.

I have spent a lot of time writing a tool that can import XML (and CSV) files. My challenge has been that the product file contains more than 17000 items. I have observed and solved 3 problems:

# Just resizing the images takes way too long time. The server I use (and it’s not slow) can fetch (via http) and resize 1 image per second.
# It takes way too long time to import the products even if the images are dropped.
# The XML file only associates 5 categories to the products. That won’t do.

What I can do now is:
* Import 17000 items in 7 seconds!
* Continue import if the PHP time limit is exceeded.
* The tool removes all products and categories and automatically creates categories and sub-categories.
* Pictures are left on the disk so you can import products as often as you want (renewing prices and quantities)
* Pictures are automatically fetched and resized on demand.
* A cron job resizes pictures at night.

Are you interested?


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