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Upgrade to from, numerous issues found...

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After having upgraded Prestashop via the 1-click Upgrade module, from to, we discovered a few issues on our Prestashop installation.


Missing Countries




When visiting Localization > Countries I only see Mexico, does anyone know why this is happening? I checked the ps_country tables, and the entries appear to be intact,


However, when looking at ps_country_shop I can see that all our shops are assigned to id_country = 145, which is of course Mexico.




I'm not sure how this happened, but trying to fix this leads me to the next issue:


Shops link missing from menu


According to http://www.webhostin...n-prestashop-15 there's supposed to be a Shops button on the application menu bar.


We have none, it used to be there in the previous version, where has it gone?


Our shops still appear to exist though, as the Multistore dropdown is populated with the different stores.


Looking at the menu configuration, it's also missing from here, and I'm not 100% sure how to get it back. So this means, we can't get into configuring our shops with the new version.



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