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Package product sales


Something that I cannot work out is how to sell a group of products as one. E.g.:

I have products A, B, C, and D they are all listed separately on my store. They all have their own stock e.g: A=4, B=3, C=5 and D=4.

I want to then create a new product all E, but E consists of products: A,B,C and D albeit at a lower price than it would be to buy them separately. Now the bit I want to know is how do I set it up so that when someone buys product E the stock levels of the separately listed products decrease. E.g.

Product E consists of products 1xA, 2x,B, 1xC and 1xD so when someone buys product E the stock levels of the individually listed products should decrease to, A=3, B=1, C=4 and D=3. And if one of the individual products goes out of stock product E also goes out of stock e.g. B’s stock level reduces to 0 so product E should automatically update to out of stock even though A,C and D parts are still in stock.

I know it’s a little hard to explain but it’s a very important thing that I need to be able to do on my shop.




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