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Multistore rendering incorrectly

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I am a relatively new user to 1.5. I have activated multistore, imported a parent store with no change in categories ...etc... When trying to view the store it renders as a text store with nothing but text links down the left side of the page. I cannot figure out what I have done wrong. I have followed the User Manual instructions carefully to no avail. HELP please. I only have a few hairs left!

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Hello Elpatron,

That link is to the main shop. It is fine. My probllem is in the rendering of the second store under the multishop. The link is unclear at this point because I am not familiar enoughwith what the software is supposed to be doing. The point is that if I launch out of the admin panel under the second store it renders a text site. If I launch out of the first store it renders fine. Scratching my head.

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what Mr utterback said, and I will add this:


you need the additional url, or subdomain name for the 2nd shop..


when you have that then you would configure that in the back office of ps for that store


cpanel-park to you main domain

plesk - alias to your main domain

shared-point to your root directory..



btw: with free trade between the eeuu and Colombia, it's probably very doable. they have decent stock here...but they cut the meat much differently...here is how to translate http://www.allaboutc...eir-translation


also btw: its' ColOmbia with an O...:)

Edited by elpatron (see edit history)
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After calming down and looking at what has transpired I have decided to not give up on this. This software is working for others so it must be something I have done wrong. I have disabled the multi-store and am trying to run one shop. NEW PROBLEM- The paypal module goes to a blank screen when someone tries to buy. They can go through products, select one, put it in the cart, login, go to the payment screen, select "Pay with PayPal" and the screen goes white. No connection. If they hit the back button the site is gone and they must retype the address in the browser to get back to the shop. Any ideas as to why this is happening? The API credentials in the PS Paypal module are set correctly and match the paypal site's credentials.

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hey...nobody likes quitters..

it's best to create new post for new problems...that being said...you need to know the exact error (blank pages is good for using crayons)


try this:

config/defines.inc.php (1.5.3)


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);



config/config.inc.php (pre 1.5.3)

@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');



reproduce the error


then in google search - prestashop (copy first part of your error message)

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