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Cannot adjust quantities in stock 1.5.3

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All my quantities are stuck at zero and when I go to the quantities tab in a product it gives me errors. I'm starting to get really irritated.


It says "It is not possible to manage quantities when:

  • You are managing all shops.
  • You are managing a group of shops where quantities are not shared between all shops of this group.
  • You are managing a shop which is in a group where quantities are shared between all shops of this group."

Only thing is I do not have multistore enabled so I am not real sure what its whining about.


I have tried enabling and disabling multistore and about a million other things and I still have a completely useless store that I have hundreds of hours of my time into.


This is a fresh install in which I have manually reentered all of my products again since everything that we tried to do when upgrading and exporting /importing failed and caused pages of errors.


I need my shop to work if I invest this kind of time into it.


I am so frustrated I'm seriously considering scrapping prestashop for ANYTHING else.


Anybody have any ideas how to fix this stupid thing??

Edited by carlsonauto (see edit history)
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