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[solved] How to move a shop to web

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Well, you will need to create your DB on your server then export/import your DB to server.


After that you will need to FTP/SSH all your PS files to your server. If the server configuation (DB name, user, password, etc.) is the same as your localhost you should be all set.


Marty Shue



Thank you.


I have no problem to move my DB to web and whole root directory. What I'm asking is if I need to modify only setting.inc.php or anything else.

What about:






Do I need to change it?

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You need to change the domain and domain_ssl in ps_shop_url table as well. Put your web domain instead of localhost.




I've done it. Shop works well but the admin still doesn't work.



SORRY. I modified and tested again and it is fine now.

Edited by ldon (see edit history)
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