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Change page after completed PayPal payment

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Hi All,

New install and all is going well so far. After a test purchase when the go back to merchant button on the PayPal order completed page is hit, I am sent back to history.php which displays no recent orders and the item I just bought still in my cart. If I click on "Back to your Account" it brings me to my-account.php and then the cart clears out and if I go back to order history it will show the purchase that was just made.

Is this a known bug and if so does someone know the fix? Or, is there a way to just send them to my-account.php after purchase instead of history.php and maybe that would fix it?

I've already changed some permissions from 777 to 755 to be able to get this far and I've searched around the forums but have not found anything with a solution.

Thanks in advance, Joe

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