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Error when creating order in back office 1.5.2 [Solved]

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When I create an order in the BO and click the create order button, I get a blank white page. I turn on error reporting and I get this error:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 10 passed to PaymentModuleCore::validateOrder() must be an instance of Shop, boolean given, called in /home/www/griffineffects.com/store/modules/paypal/paypal.php on line 1231 and defined in /home/www/griffineffects.com/store/classes/PaymentModule.php on line 133


Any ideas? I've created a few orders in the BO in the past and it worked fine.


I got the order to go through using the Check payment method. Seems to be a problem with Paypal.

I'm using Paypal module version 3.4.1 and there does seem to be an update for it but I hate to update things these days as it seems to introduce a whole bunch of things I have to find and fix.

Edited by bside2234 (see edit history)
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I am getting the exact same error. Anyone that can help shed anytype of light on this it would be greatly appreciated.


I am using PS 1.5.2 and Paypal 3.4.1.


@bside: Ever tried downloading the files from 3.4.4 and looking at the paypal.php file and compare the old fuction at line 1231 and the new one there?


I may try this soon when I get some sleep.


If I find something I will let you know and vice versa.

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@bside I found the fix here:





Here the correction, in module/paypal/paypal.php have to change the last parameter of validateOrder :

Before :



$shop = false

Now :



Shop $shop = null


I tried this and it works flawlessly for me. Do not upgrade to 3.4.4. It has bugs that no one knows how to fix yet.

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