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We're sorry, but the Web address you entered is no longer available

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Using prestashop

I get a error:

error.gif We're sorry, but the Web address you entered is no longer available


When I try to delete a Item from a test cart. I think it has something to do with Rewrite but i'm not sure.



Preferences separator_breadcrumb.png SEO & URLs


It says:

URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs you must activate this mod.


But I manually tested mod_rewrite and it seems to be working when directly tested with a ,htaccess and html file.


Friendly URL


Automatically redirect to Canonical URL enabled


Disable apache multiviews enabled


If I disable them it just loops back to the home page without deleting the item from the cart.


I have done lot's of searching and I am at a loss here I appreciate any help I can get in narrowing it down.

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