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Question about Products Page

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Hi, I want to be able to add a widget on each products page that would be different from each products page. Is this possible through prestashop? I tried looking through my product pages .html files but i couldn't find where to put the code for the widget. Any help would be appreciated.

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would you use the built in widget by prestashop?


back office-->catalog-->products-->edit product -->shipping


set your weight


if you have different weights based on combinations, this can also be achieved for same product with different attributes, where that attribute affects weight...

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would you use the built in widget by prestashop?


back office-->catalog-->products-->edit product -->shipping


set your weight


if you have different weights based on combinations, this can also be achieved for same product with different attributes, where that attribute affects weight...


Sorry about the confusion I wasn't referring to weight. This question was in regards to placing a widget for instagram. Example: http://blackmilkclothing.com/collections/dresses/products/beer-dress if you scroll to the bottom of this website page there is place where you can upload pictures and they show up on that particular product. While this page: http://blackmilkclothing.com/collections/dresses/products/black-milk-dress when you scroll to the bottom its the same setup just different pictures for that particular product. I found a widget that I can work with to do this I just can't figure out where to put it on it's expected product page.

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You need to check your widget installation description.

basically if you need to place a code in the <head> section than you can find it in the header.tpl (in the theme folder).

if you need to place the code before the closing </body> tag than you need to place it in the footer.tpl (in the theme folder)

and your product page is in product.tpl (in the theme folder).

if you need to add a javascript, you need to put it inside {literal} Script ... {/literal}.


I hope this is what you asked :)

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You need to check your widget installation description.

basically if you need to place a code in the <head> section than you can find it in the header.tpl (in the theme folder).

if you need to place the code before the closing </body> tag than you need to place it in the footer.tpl (in the theme folder)

and your product page is in product.tpl (in the theme folder).

if you need to add a javascript, you need to put it inside {literal} Script ... {/literal}.


I hope this is what you asked :)


Thanks, yes it was but do you know how I would be able to do a widget for each product page? If i was to put code into the product.tpl wouldn't that code show on every product?

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Ok so I have provided an example. My website is thelotclothing.com if you go to my products page you will see a widget located on the right column with pictures. I want a different widget on each product page not the same one on every page.

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Based on snapwidget website support, they say that they cache images for 30 minutes, so I guess that your widget will change images every 30 minutes regardless the product on page.


I think for better answer you should contact snapwidget support.


Good luck

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Based on snapwidget website support, they say that they cache images for 30 minutes, so I guess that your widget will change images every 30 minutes regardless the product on page.


I think for better answer you should contact snapwidget support.


Good luck


lol no, I understand the 30 minute refresh, but maybe I'm not explaining it enough. On instagram you use hashtags, I want to tell customers to use a certain hashtag and when they use that hashtag their picture would show up on that products page. The problem I'm having is I'm only getting the one hashtag to show up on my whole website. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to access only one of my products page so I can insert the code and it will only affect that ONE page.

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can you post your code here?


This is one of the codes: <iframe src="http://snapwidget.com/in/?h=d2lsbWluZ3RvbnxpbnwxNDl8NHwyfHx5ZXN8NXxub25l" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:656px; height: 328px" ></iframe>


I have figured out a way to do it I'm not sure if I really like it. I went to catalog -> Products -> Edit Information and put the code in the description section. If you want to see what i was talking about this is the link to my site.





as you will see in the more info section there is pictures each link has different pictures one is #delaware the other one is #wilmington

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