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[SOLVED] display lowest price of subcategory in listing

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Hey guys,


I'm new to Prestashop and I'm trying to create an own theme. There's one thing I'm missing in hte category view (the subcategory in the category.tpl): the lowest price in each subcategory.


For example, in subcategory "shirts" the cheapest shirt costs 9,99 € and this should be displayed below the subcategory name.


But I don't know how to do so. Is there anybody who could give me a practical tipp?


Thanks in advance! :)



Edited by hando (see edit history)
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Okay guys, I've found a solution. For everyone who's interested in .. here's a step by step tutorial:


1st step: open Category Model Category.php (can be found in shoproot/classes/) and insert the following code snippet:


 * Return lowest price in a specific (sub)category
 * @param integer $id_category Indicates the category ID of that the lowest price will be looked up
public function getLowestPriceOfCategory( $id_category ) {
  if( !Validate::isInt( $id_category ) ) {
  die( Tools::displayError() );

  $sql = 'SELECT MIN( p.price ) lowest_price
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p
 INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c
 ON (p.`id_category_default` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_category` = ' . (int) $id_category . ')
 GROUP BY c.`id_category`;';

  $result = Db::getInstance( _PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_ )->getRow( $sql );

  return $result['lowest_price'];


2nd step: find the method called getSubCategories( ... ) and change the foreach loop from:


foreach ($result as &$row)
  $row['id_image'] = file_exists(_PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.$row['id_category'].'.jpg') ? (int)$row['id_category'] : Language::getIsoById($id_lang).'-default';
  $row['legend'] = 'no picture';




foreach ($result as &$row)
  $row['id_image'] = file_exists(_PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.$row['id_category'].'.jpg') ? (int)$row['id_category'] : Language::getIsoById($id_lang).'-default';
  $row['legend'] = 'no picture';
  $row['lowest_price'] = $this->getLowestPriceOfCategory( $row['id_category'] );


3rd step: in the category.tpl (located in shoproot/themes/templatename/) you can add the lowest price for a category within the loop {foreach from=$subcategories item=subcategory} using:




And ... that's it. Have fun :-)


See on Github

Edited by hando (see edit history)
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