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Product discounts being taxed...

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I've asked about this in another thread started by someone else, but thought it best to start my own thread on it.


In the U.S., taxes are applied to a product price after any discount amounts are applied. In PS, taxes are being applied to discount amounts before the discount is applied.


I've been through the forums and the Issue Tracker, and I see this has been an issue for at least 2-3 years now, with a lot of people asking about it in both places. At least a couple times in the Issue Tracker back in 2011 and 2012 it was mentioned that it would soon be an option to choose which method the merchant wanted to use, but it's still not an option.


I've just upgraded from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 hoping this might have been addressed, but it seems it hasn't.


If we use a discount percentage, everything calculates correctly, but if we use a fixed amount tax is being subtracted from the discount amount before the discount is applied.


Does anyone know of, or happen to have, a fix for this? We really need to be able to use fixed amount discounts, but can't because of this issue.


Really appreciate any help with this one...

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Nothing, aboterf. I'd given up on an answer.


I understand that PrestaShop is more prevalent in other countries, but I'd have to think that there would have to be at least some U.S. and Canadian users out there. Maybe they're just not using this feature, or have figured out a way around it.


As I said above, I'd found a number of complaints about it, and a few places where it was mentioned it would be addressed in future updates (that was 2-3 years ago), but nothing.


A user here named g0nzo came up with a workaround for a standard installation of PrestaShop, but I'm using 3rd party modules with which the workaround won't........work.


We're still looking for a solution...

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Hi aboterf,


I see in the other thread that fix worked in some cases for you, but not with combinations.


This is an issue that needs to be addressed at core level by the PrestaShop team, so that the 'fix' works in all instances. But, I guess it's not an issue that warrants a fix...

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Didn't do that, RaPhius. I did some searching and found that it had already been reported a number of times, and in most instances the reply was that it would be fixed in a future version. One place mentioned that it was in the works to make it an option as to whether to apply taxes to discounts.


But, it's never been made an option, and it's still an issue even after all this time. I have to assume there are no plans to address the problem...

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I found out the the "Fix" I mentioned in post #4 above actually worked for any products that did not have combinations that had specific price discounts applied. So what I did is that for any products that I have combinations using specific price discounts I changed the discounts to percentage instead of amount. So far this seemed to fix all my tax issues. We will see as time goes on if I find any more issues.

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