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Order confirmation email question

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I have a question about that email.
First, where do I translate the "Order conformation"? I know I can translate all other order statuses in back office, but I can't find this one.

Also, as far as I understand the order conf email is send whenever you have checked "Send e-mail to customer when order is changed to this status", so customers gets always 2 mails.

But now I have a problem when someone pays via cash on delivery, the order conf email is not copleted. I get empty variables, for example: {delivery_company} , {delivery_other} ... With wire payment the email is ok.


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I've found it.
In the folder mails you have a php file called lang.
Open it and you will find all the mail subjects.
Hope it helps :)

You have to open the file "lang.php" in the EN and FR folder and compare them with your language. If one or more subject fields is missing Prestashop will automatically try to locate the missing one from an other language. My lang.php file in Norwegian did not have three of the subject fields after upgrading.

Now all my emails have the correct translation :)
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