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Multishop & copying products

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Hello, I'm going to start using the multishop feature but I have an issue importing products from main shop...


My scenario is for example:


My actual shop:


MAINSHOP: domain.com

- Category: Man

- Category: Woman

- Category: Children




Now, I enable multishop. And I set a shop only for french people, in domain domain.fr


FRENCHSHOP: domain.fr

- Category: Man

- Category: Woman

- Category: Children


The products are imported successfully, and all is fine.




Now, the problem...


Now, I want a shop only for men...


For that, I do the following:


1) I configure "Man" category as a root category in MAINSHOP.

2) Create the new shop, choosing "Man" category as root category. But this method, has the products & image checkboxes disabled.


Then, when I create the shop, I have the subcats of "Man", but these are empty of products. And, of course, I need the products!!! :-)




Where is my fault?



Thank you in advance.

Edited by Valenweb (see edit history)
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Afaik there is no copy function atm. You have to play with the category tree but when it is in "all shops" mode and assign the product to the new category.

Maybe you read the second paragraph in my bug report here to get the idea


From my experience the whole multi shop thing feels a little wonky. The PS approach is imo cool but with dozens of test installs and upgrades it never behaved the way I would expect. The answer to my last bug report was after product did not show up on the shop frontend that I have to upload or reupload a new product picture for the new shop. So I really have no clue why I have to reupload a picture to have the product reappear on the new shop instance but it somehow worked. But this shows on the other hand that this multishop thing at least under some circumstances is not finished or lets say bullet proof. So if you do not really need it or at least have the programming skills to revert the procedure than I would really think twice if you take the risk - at least at the moment.

All the best, Trip

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