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How do you customize your actual site? Please help!

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You can start with your header.tpl and footer.tpl. You'll find them in your theme directory. The main CSS file is called globle.css and it is in a folder called css in your themes directory. You'll also need to play with module positions. You'll find that in your Backoffice administration we call the administration part of Prestashop BO. We call the actual store the FO (frontend).


The pages are formed by combining the header and footer with middle pages. So if you want to add something to the product pages, you would edit product.tpl, or to edit catigory views you can edit both category.tpl and product-list.tpl. Again, you find these all in your theme folder.


The pages are made from even smaller chunks, for example if you are using one page check-out, you would edit your themes order-opc.tpl.


So ... in your theme directory, you can edit tpl and CSS files for the way your site looks. You'll move installed modules around by using BO positions Most modules will also have there own tpl and CSS files you can edit. Modules are all located in the module directory.


If you wish to change actual functionality, most of the relevant php pages are located in controllers & classes folders.


Best is to follow the link from yaniv14 for versions 1.4 and for PS v1.5x please see,


Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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