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SSL/HTTP/HTTPS issue - getting only secured content on IE9

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Have the page in your browser.


Look at the source code for the page.


Find the links that are http only and not https


Change the http to https.


Recent example for me, I bought a theme that had links to Google fonts, I needed to change those links in my theme header.tpl to https.

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By Default, IE will not automatically only show secured content. It will have a prompt asking you to display the unsecure content.




To Disable/Enable/Prompt the “Only secure content is displayed” message:

Start Internet Explorer.

On the Tool menu, click Internet Options.

Click the Security tab, and then click Custom level.

In the Settings box, scroll down to the Miscellaneous section, and under Display mixed content choose from the following options:


Disable, will not display non-secure items.

Enable, will always display non-secure items without asking

Prompt, will prompt you when a webpage is using non-secure content


Internet Explorer blocks non-secure content to keep your information safe and is set to Prompt by default. When this setting is set to Enable, Internet Explorer does not prompt you with the "Only secure content is displayed" message even if the webpage is using non-secure elements. (This is the way chrome and firefox does it by default I think)

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