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Append language ID as a div class or ID

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In order to customize my product page individually, I used the unique product reference ast a body class

<div class="{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">



How can I do something similar with the language ID, however I would like to do an if Statement like the following:


{if $lang_iso == 1 }Foo in English{else} Foo In Spanish{/if}


The above code isn't working for me.


Can someone help me with the syntax for identifying a specific language?


This {if $lang_iso == 1 } seems to be wrong.

Edited by ddmbrands (see edit history)
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Hi There,

$lang_iso would be "en", since ISO is the actual language iso code, not the language id. Using the ID would be a bit complex.

For that, you should create a foreach loop like "foreach from=$languages" and if the lang_iso variable matches the current iso, assign the language id to a new variable, so that you can further test it.


of course, using only language isos would be easier :)

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