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shop hacked into !!!

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My shop has been taken down off the server as ive just been told we have been Hacked into so they could get to the server, my hosting is Ryan Host and he said we have to up date ALL SECURITY before he will allow us to be put back on and if it happens again he will kick me off the server as we are compromising other websites plus of course his sever and we cant afford that to happen, can anyone please tell me what to do as i now cant get into the Back end to up load any patches or whatever i need to make us secure, im pretty new at this so not sure were to start !!! any help would be appreciated,

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I would ask your host for some more information than just "you've been hacked". I mean how are you supposed to improved security with that information?

Im just in that process at this time !! God what a hassle , ill get there in the end, thanks for taking time to reply.
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  • 3 months later...

I got this message while adding items.... The error message seemed to be part of my BO

it was basic...You've been hacked..

Few mins later, several of my items i added had been duplicated several times each with NO image..

NOW, i have a problem with New Products page

AND, i have up to 20 Visitors, however in my stats it shows they are all on the Index page and not lookig around...


im with godaddy

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no haven't. I referred to a friend who installed PS for me. The problem ended (items being added) so i continued working..

but then recently, ive noticed the STATS


UPDATE: I did figure out the NEW PRODUCTS thing. So this weird hack event DID NOT effect that.

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This could be just due to a bad configuration settings in the back end, not really a malicious hack attempt. I remember when I set up PS and started to fiddle around in version 1.2.4 I received a few "Hack attempt" notifications when reviewing my shop online. I don't remember what I did but I do remember I could cause that alert to come and go depending on what certain settings I had.
Just a thought, I hope this is the cause of the hack attempt alert.

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Yes, you are right. It is unfortunate that Prestashop has used such an alarming phrase as "Hack attempt" for its error messages. It frightens the average users who think their shop has been hacked. I think it should just say "Error" instead.

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