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error on Populate database tables

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iv done that but still give the same error populating database


rather than us play 20 questions about what you did or did not do...maybe update the original post with what you have tried...al


you should consider thank you, or like buttons....for anyone that tries to help you


good luck

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iv change tried several db names and user name because my provider said that was the problem than tried change db type and i cant get out of error on populate db, im sure this is a server problem but my hosting dont have any idea.

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I have this too:

Cannot create image "Home" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "CMS_Pages" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Search" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Shops" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Catalog" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Orders" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Customers" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Price_Rules" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Shipping" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Localization" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Modules" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Preferences" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Advanced_Parameters" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Administration" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Stats" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Stock" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Monitoring" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Attributes_and_Values" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Features" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Manufacturers" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Suppliers" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Image_Mapping" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Tags" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Attachments" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Orders_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Invoices" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Merchandise_Returns" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Delivery_Slips" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Credit_Slips" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Statuses" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Order_Messages" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Customers_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Addresses" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Groups" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Shopping_Carts" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Customer_Service" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Contacts" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Titles" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Cart_Rules" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Shipping_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Carriers" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Price_Ranges" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Weight_Ranges" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Localization_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Languages" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Zones" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Countries" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "States" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Currencies" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Taxes" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Tax_Rules" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Translations" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Modules_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Modules_Themes_Catalog" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Positions" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Payment" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "General" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Orders_2" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Products_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Customers_2" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Themes" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "SEO_URLs" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Images" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Store_Contacts" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Search_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Maintenance" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Geolocation" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Configuration_Information" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Performance" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "E-mail" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Multistore" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "CSV_Import" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "DB_Backup" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "SQL_Manager" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Logs" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Webservice" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Preferences_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Quick_Access" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Employees" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Profiles" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Permissions" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Menus" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Stats_1" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Search_Engines" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Referrers" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Stock_Management" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Stock_Movement" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Configuration" for entity "tab",Cannot create image "Awaiting_cheque_payment" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Payment_accepted" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Preparation_in_progress" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Shipped" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Delivered" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Canceled" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Refund" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Payment_error" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "On_backorder" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Awaiting_bank_wire_payment" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Awaiting_PayPal_payment" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Payment_remotely_accepted" for entity "order_state",Cannot create image "Mr" for entity "gender",Cannot create image "Ms" for entity "gender",Cannot create image "Miss" for entity "gender"

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