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Load balance prestashop across a few servers

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Hi there,

I don't know where the exact bottle neck is in your system and how many users you are expecting. First I would reduce requests for static files by using a cdn, optimize mysql server maybe with scripts like mysqltuner. Enable _PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_ in config/defines.inc.php to see what hooks are slow or locate other bottle necks. Maybe enable _PS_MODE_DEV_ too and see if there are mysql errors or other blockers in the configuration. Optimize Apache or try Lighttpd or other websevers at least for serving of static files. If this is not enough use a dedicated mysql server. Btw. Memcached does not work at the moment at least on newer versions. Next step would be a mysql cluster but I really doubt you need that. First of all you should try to get the most from your server tuning and believe me. There is lot you can do.

Best regards, trip

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Clustering and network load balancing Working Versions of Prestashop tested on windows 2008 server



Bandwidth home broadband connection upload speed 10mbps


windows server 2008(NLB installed), web server1 dell sc440 q6600 4GB RAM load55% //cluster mode, unicast, multi, affinity none,


windows server 2008(NLB installed), web server2 dell sc430 p4 2.8 dual core 2GB RAM load45% //cluster mode, unicast, multi, affinity none,


database server, acer laptop pentium Dual core T4400 @2.2GHZ 3GB RAM Max CPU load 40% SSD


one Nic card on each server


home broadband Router provided by ISP(basic one) , Netgear 5port Giga Switch etc.



1.5.4,o NLB not working NLB not working, error after few clicks. NLB not working, error after few clicks. NLB working, URL here http://88.hopto.me NLB working, URL here http://668.ddns.net



testing Sites will be removed after 30days.

Edited by ravensbur (see edit history)
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