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Botón Vaciar Carrito


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¿Habría alguna forma de insertar un botón para vaciar el carrito por completo, tubiera uno o varios artículos?


La idea es que si posteriormente a pulsar ese botón se añade algo al carrito, sea ya otro identificador diferente de carrito.


Muchas gracias.

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en el shopping-cart.tpl


line 82


<th class="cart_delete last_item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "emptyCart=1&token={$token_cart}")}" title="{l s='Delete'}">{l s='Eliminar todo'}</a></th>


en la clase CartController.php


//line 67

if (Tools::getIsset('add') || Tools::getIsset('update'))




else if (Tools::getIsset('emptyCart'))






//final .php

protected function emptyCart()



$result = array();

$result['summary'] = $this->context->cart->getSummaryDetails(null, true);

foreach ($result['summary']['products'] as $key => &$product)









protected function processDeleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address)


if ($this->context->cart->deleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address))


if (!Cart::getNbProducts((int)($this->context->cart->id)))



$this->context->cart->gift = 0;

$this->context->cart->gift_message = '';




$removed = CartRule::autoAddToCart();

if (count($removed) && (int)Tools::getValue('allow_refresh'))

$this->ajax_refresh = true;


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en el shopping-cart.tpl


line 82


<th class="cart_delete last_item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "emptyCart=1&token={$token_cart}")}" title="{l s='Delete'}">{l s='Eliminar todo'}</a></th>


en la clase CartController.php


//line 67

if (Tools::getIsset('add') || Tools::getIsset('update'))




else if (Tools::getIsset('emptyCart'))






//final .php

protected function emptyCart()



$result = array();

$result['summary'] = $this->context->cart->getSummaryDetails(null, true);

foreach ($result['summary']['products'] as $key => &$product)









protected function processDeleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address)


if ($this->context->cart->deleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address))


if (!Cart::getNbProducts((int)($this->context->cart->id)))



$this->context->cart->gift = 0;

$this->context->cart->gift_message = '';




$removed = CartRule::autoAddToCart();

if (count($removed) && (int)Tools::getValue('allow_refresh'))

$this->ajax_refresh = true;




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  • 4 weeks later...

Buenas tardes,


Este código dónde se pone exactamente?


//final .php

protected function emptyCart()



$result = array();

$result['summary'] = $this->context->cart->getSummaryDetails(null, true);

foreach ($result['summary']['products'] as $key => &$product)









protected function processDeleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address)


if ($this->context->cart->deleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address))


if (!Cart::getNbProducts((int)($this->context->cart->id)))



$this->context->cart->gift = 0;

$this->context->cart->gift_message = '';




$removed = CartRule::autoAddToCart();

if (count($removed) && (int)Tools::getValue('allow_refresh'))

$this->ajax_refresh = true;



Sabéis si funciona en las versiones 1.4.x?


Muchas gracias compañeros.

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en el shopping-cart.tpl


line 82


<th class="cart_delete last_item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "emptyCart=1&token={$token_cart}")}" title="{l s='Delete'}">{l s='Eliminar todo'}</a></th>


en la clase CartController.php


//line 67

if (Tools::getIsset('add') || Tools::getIsset('update'))




else if (Tools::getIsset('emptyCart'))






//final .php

protected function emptyCart()



$result = array();

$result['summary'] = $this->context->cart->getSummaryDetails(null, true);

foreach ($result['summary']['products'] as $key => &$product)









protected function processDeleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address)


if ($this->context->cart->deleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address))


if (!Cart::getNbProducts((int)($this->context->cart->id)))



$this->context->cart->gift = 0;

$this->context->cart->gift_message = '';




$removed = CartRule::autoAddToCart();

if (count($removed) && (int)Tools::getValue('allow_refresh'))

$this->ajax_refresh = true;



Gracias, me ha funcionado.

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