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Why is Gift wrapping showing up on order?

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Gift wrapping is disabled in admin yet it is still showing (0.00) on the invoice. If it's disabled, it shouldn't be showing anywhere. Why is it still showing on documents? (email_notification).


Also, in admin the gift-wrapping tax drop-down list is listing the individual taxes instead of the tax rule!


Edited by Porpoise (see edit history)
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Have you checked it is disabled in Back Office > Preferences > Orders




Yes, it has never been enabled (we do not do gift wrapping!). There is also the issue of it showing the wrong tax information in the drop-down list. It should only be showing the "Sales Tax" rule, as the actual tax cannot be set here without knowing where the destination is going to be. (Although it is somewhat academic when we don't do gift-wrapping but it still highlights the fact that something is not right!).


[EDIT] image added


Edited by Porpoise (see edit history)
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