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SOLVED Random 400 Bad Request

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I am really starting to loose it.


So I have had nothing but problems setting up my store. First it was going great - then I changed my domain name from my old website to only be associated with my prestashop one and changed the .com/prestashop/ to just .com. Then after those changes my ability to edit products go along with my ability to access customer information via the top header. NOW I am getting a 400 bad request and cant do anything anywhere!


I have been reading all the forums; enabled the error by going to config; followed the directions of another person who had the issue and changed the define; ps_dev_mode (or what ever it is) to true - still nothing blank pages and then Boom bad request.


Can I just pay someone to fix all this - because I have seriously had enough


I solved this with the help of my host. I deleted all the browsing history etc. HOWEVER I still do not have a solution to my back office editing features and customer information not working so any insite on that would be apreicated!!

Edited by elementofstylebridal (see edit history)
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