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How to set up Collections of same named products? best practices

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Hello guys, I was wondering how do you set up collections of products?


For example. ABC furniture company.


They have a collection named:



The products are Amazing Table, Amazing Chair, Amazing Coffee Table etc.


They only want to show Collections on the site. So as people browse the selection, they could order the whole collection or pieces of it.


Problem: 1. We do not want to create a separate product that are navigable through out the store, meaning we don't want people to search through the catalog and see pictures of chairs, and bar stools separately we just want them to see the collection as one product and all the pieces are order able.


Problem 2. Some collections are the same name so there will be Amazing in "Dining Funiture" and Amazing in "home office" what I heard is that Google will index these as the same product will this hurt our seo?


I would like to get your feedback on how to set that up?


My idea is create a product called "Amazing"

Then create attributes for each product like

Amazing chair 5.00

Amzing Table 10.00

Amazing Coffee Table 6.00



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Using categories is in my humble opinion a bit limiting. You may want to arrange the categories by product type (tables, chairs, etc.) while having a cross-cutting category named "Amazing".


You may want to try to associate a product to multiple categories: (the "chair" and the "amazing" ones). Easy but may make your categories tree awful (particularly if it is complex).


An alternative is - if you do not have many collections - to use a "tag".


Last but not least, you can add a custom feature named "Collection" - this is the way I went on my website.

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