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Hi everone,


My one page checkout works properly but only one thing doesn't work.

When I want to add a new address/customer and press on SAVE nothing happens. The page just reloads and adds a # at the end: www.domain.com/order-opc.php#



When I'm using the prestashop default theme it works and says please fill out all fields.


See two pictures:

1.st picture is the own theme

2.nd picture shows default prestashop theme



Thanks a lot



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Ok I fixed it. Some files were mising in the modified template.


But I have two other questions:


1. Why doesn't it work to register when I'm disabling "Register as Guest" in BO?

Then the SAVE button behaves the same and just adds a #.


2. When I register with instant checkout and chose Bankwire as payment I'll get redirected to the Login page where I have to login or type in a new email address. Why does only "Register as User" work and not "Register as a guest"?




P.S. I was setting the Instant Checkout button to invisible on the picture until I found a solution.



Edited by kansas3d (see edit history)
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