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Can I add a second text module and other questions...

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Hi, I am working on my shopping cart (first day of trying) and have attached a screenshot. I'm going for a very simple shopping cart which will look like the blog it's related to. Here are my newbie questions:


1. Can I add a text module to the right side bar. I already have a text module in the middle and don't see how to get permission to add a second version of this module.


2. Can I move the PayPal module from the right sidebar to the left sidebar, below the links?


3. Why is my title "The songs of Itzik Zhelonek" dropped down?


4. Where in the css is the black "HOME" navbar? I want to change its color. And how do I add other links to it?


In general I don't know how to find the names of the different modules and move them - for instance, the little list at the top that says Cart (empty), Your Account, and Welcome Login.


Thanks for any help


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