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Javascript in CMS page

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I hope someone can help. I am copying and pasting a color chooser page which has javascript into a new CMS page. It is not working. The script works fine on the original page: http://tennisnets.org/new_page_2.htm, but does not work on cms page: http://thecourtstore.com/presta/index.php?id_cms=6&controller=cms


I know it's something I am doing wrong but I can find my mistake.




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Hi Mark,


There isn't really a 'mistake' per se. I was able to get it working by adding some basic CSS. See screen capture here.


Here is what I did--


Add style="margin-bottom:179px" to <div class="tenniscourt"> (this will push the footer down when we position the images)

Add the following styling to <img id="court".......>

left: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 160px;

Add the following styling to <img id="foregnd"..........>

left: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 166px;


Lastly, add the following styling to the color table

font-size: 10px;
margin-bottom: 34px;
position: absolute;
top: 655px;
width: 605px;


I don't think I have missed anything. It works great for me.


Hope that helps!


Marty Shue

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Thanks for your help. I sent a message to you through your Contact Us page at Carolina Custom Designs. I should preface my questions by admitting I know enough about coding to be extremely dangerous. I am sometimes lucky enough to have something that I have cut and pasted to actually work after attempting a few modifications.


After doing my best to add the code you provided, the color chooser displayed fine, but none of the radio buttons worked. I just went back to the code to try again and all of the javascript was gone. This happened earlier today before I posted my question.


Any idea why? I will be glad to email my admin information if it will help. Also, read the message I sent to your company. I want to talk to you about some other things.




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