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PrestaShop 1.5 TemplateMonster Theme help

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I am having problems with my theme I have uploaded.

I have enabled and installed all the modules that are needed for this theme to work. But I realize the old default theme is still in the footer and part of the theme still.


Live view.





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How did you install your template? Did you use the module Template Installer? Or did you just upload the theme directory.


Currently the default images for your theme are missing.


Also, some modules may be not on or you may have some that need to be turned off or re-positioned. For example the slider.


What is the link to template Monster so we can see what it really looks like.

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Nice Theme!!!


Three ways to install a theme,


1. Manually - How do you like that so far?

2. Using the Template Installer module

3. Upload the IMG, Module, and theme folder and then import the source SQL file that came with your theme.


At this point, short of a re-install, I suggest you do number three.


You would have received 3 directory's in your theme package,






Please upload them right to your main Prestashop so that the the contents all merge in with your existing shop.


Also with your theme you received a file called dump.sql


It would be in a password protected file called sources. You need to import the dump.sql into your shop database.


Let me know if you know how to do that before you begin.


After the dump.sql is imported you may need to logon to BO and choose your new theme.

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I know how to do all that. The problem is that each one I've tried ends up messing with my front end of the shop.

I have not tried the installer to install my theme. I could try that?


For the dump.sql, never woks out for me. Locks me out of my admin and end up making a white page except for the copyright from template monster.


Thanks, it's a nice theme. Once I'm home I will get back to you all.

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For the dump to work right, most of the old tables are dropped and the dump completely replaces all that data.


If you use the Template Installer module, it will do a pretty good job. Use the zip file found in the themeinstallator directory that came with your theme. It will ask your permission to enable and disable the required modules. It will make sure the modules are positioned. But it will not place the images, so you'll still need to merge the img folders.

Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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For the dump to work right, most of the old tables are dropped and the dump completely replaces all that data.


If you use the Template Installer module, it will do a pretty good job. Use the zip file found in the themeinstallator directory that came with your theme. It will ask your permission to enable and disable the required modules. It will make sure the modules are positioned. But it will not place the images, so you'll still need to merge the img folders.


The installer says bad configuration. I dont believe Template Monster gives you the right files for the Theme Installer. Doesn't surprise me.


I'd like to have this running tonight, but dont see that happening. Would you like to take a look at my settings on the admin?

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Minnerslnc, I checked this template and it is for,


PrestaShop Compatibility: 1.4.4.x



This theme will not install on PS 1.5X without some modifications. It might install on PS v1.4.9 and it is a very good version of Prestashop.

Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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I am having problems with my theme I have uploaded.

I have enabled and installed all the modules that are needed for this theme to work. But I realize the old default theme is still in the footer and part of the theme still.


Live view.






if some blocks / modules remains from old theme you should disable each one, and you'll get the proper TM configuration.


otherwise.. contact TM and they'll fix it for you..if you are lucky enough !


Best regards,


Edited by ZenGraph (see edit history)
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Okay, so here is the latest update on the store.


I have re installed the PrestaShop to the latest 1.4.9 version.


I then uploaded the dump.sql to the phpMyAdmin database. Everything seems to look great now. I only noticed two small issues in the header. Attached is a picture of the comparision.


The two problems:


1. Currency and the Language style css area is black.


2. The Cart block does not have the right style.




I have noticed that the

User info block v0.1 by PrestaShop
Adds a block that displays information about the customer.


Controls the following Your Account Cart: (empty)


Edited by MinnersInc (see edit history)
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Looking much better! You should have received a PDF file with your theme that lists the modules and the positions (the order) the modules should be arranged. Have you checked that carefully and are you sure you are using the correct modules for your theme. You could be using the default currency and cart modules and not the TM modules.


I'm surprised it installed as well as it did. I though perhaps you might need to install an even older version of PS and then upgrade.


Older themes are designed to install to a "known" database structure. As PS has evolved so has it's database and often at the expense of backward compatibility. For example a theme I'm using installs great on PS v1.5.0.17 and then I can upgrade to v1.5.3.1 without problems. But I can't do a fresh install of PS v1.5.3.1 and install this same theme.

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That is true, I submitted a ticket on template monster so they can tells why the header is like that.


I'd be wasting time trying to figure out which version fits better when Template Monster says it works on all 1.4 versions.

I'm sure I can have this fixed and solved soon, and if they can't then I will start from the very first version of 1.4.


Thanks! :)

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Looking real good now. :)



Back Office > Modules > Positions


You'll need to figure out the name of the module but it should be possibly called TM Categories and you need to check and perhaps move its position in Left column blocks. For that matter you need to confirm it is in that block. If not move it to the Left column blocks.

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Well this is the way i see it.


I only need Manufacturers block and TM Specials block for the left column. Right now I have those two installed and positioned just like the PFD file tells me to do.


When I go to pisition the Categories block, to either left or right it says:


This module cannot be transplanted to this hook.


The Manufacturer block is there, i can see it when i refresh the page and then the slider loads and its covering it up.

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